Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Will Angelenos fight to save LA? – Draiman

Will Angelenos fight to save LA? – Draiman

Mayoral and City Council races for Los Angeles are around the corner, Angelenos who wonder how and if any of the mayoral contenders are able to save our city and can keep the city of Los Angeles out of bankruptcy.

Why would anyone with a sound mind elect any of the insiders; they have been in LA City Hall for over ten years and have brought the city of LA to its current crisis, they have failed the people, they do not deserve a chance to destroy our city further.
Angelenos have a chance to replace about seventy percent of the current elected officials at LA City Hall. Let us take advantage and elect a new breed of leaders with fresh ideas and no allegiance to the political machine or the special interests groups.

During elections, there are many words spoken that usually fail to produce action, and after elections the need to see action is by far more important than mere words.  But the challenges and hopes, and the failures, established by the lackluster eight years of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa cannot be ignored. The City of Los Angeles is now in its worst economic and financial condition since the 1930’s.
Many people and businesses are leaving the city. The people of LA have lost their trust in the government and the various special interests groups that are milking the city
Los Angeles needs a strong innovative leader who can unify the various factions in the city, and form a unified cohesive force to overcome the current crisis and dissention. Every faction must be willing to compromise or we are doomed.
We must put all our differences aside and it is imperative that we all work together for the betterment of the city and its population. We have a saleable product; let us promote it, market it and sell it.
After all it is a government by the people for the people.

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